Sarah’s Pet Sitting employee Professional Pet Sitters are background checked prior to being hired. We use the company Reliable Background Screening.

The background checks we complete are National.  If you’re hiring a pet sitter, cleaning person, babysitter, or any person coming into your home, please inquire for proof of a National background check.  Most small businesses only complete town or state only checks, or do not complete them at all.

2014-12-22_1419256695The criminal background check includes a search for sex offenders, terrorist, & foreigners not eligible for work in the U.S.   It also verifies the identify & address history of the applicant.  The Reliable Background check process notifies us if a maiden name needs to be checked as well.

Sarah’s Pet Sitting is proud to offer national background checked Professional Pet Sitters!  We rest easier & we a sure you will too!