If you have dog, there are probably a few buzzwords or phrases you can’t say around the house if you don’t mean them. “Walk,” “outside,” and “cookie” come to mind as does, “do you want to go for a ride in the car?”
One of the best things about having a dog is being able to do fun things with him. Trips to the DOG PARK, or the PET STORE to pick out a new treat, or even on longer car trips to visit family or go on vacation even better when your favorite four-legged friend can come along. But if your dog gets car sick it can put a real damper on the good times with a quickness.
After a few miles an enthusiastic your dog might become listless, whiney, drooly, they may start yawing excessively or show other signs of being uncomfortable before they lose their lunch, so to speak.
There are few things you can do to reduce the likelihood that you pup will toss his HOMEMADE DOG TREATS and ruining a good day, not to mention your interior.
First, don’t feed your dog prior to getting in the car. They are less likely to get an upset stomach if is empty. Don’t restrict water, just food.
All the things that help reduce motion sickness in people, also help our canine counter parts. Encourage your dog to sit facing forward, a SAFETY HARNESS can help with that. Keep the car cool; open a window to let fresh air in. Open windows help keep the air pressure the same inside and outside the car.
Sometimes a dog’s carsickness had as much to do with stress as it does with actual motion sickness. If you pup has only been in the car for not so great reasons, maybe they have only gone to the vet for example, try taking very short trips to do something fun so they have a positive association with the car. Varying the lengths of the trips you take can also help acclimate your dog to being in the car reducing chances of motion sickness.

Puppies are more prone to motion sickness because the structures of the inner ear aren’t quiet developed yet so it may just be the first few car rides that lead to gastric distress. Once they mature the problem may resolve itself.
If all else fails you can ask your veterinarian for more advice specific to your pet. They might even prescribe Dramamine; the same drug people take for motion sickness. (Do not give your dog Dramamine or any drug without consulting your veterinarian first!) For a nonmedical intervention, you could try Nomo Nausea (https://nomonausea.com/products/dog-anti-nausea-band). Similar to Sea Bands for people, they stimulate acupressure points to reduce nausea.
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Proudly Servicing Cheshire, Southington, Wallingford, Hamden, Meriden, Bethany, Plantsville and Prospect